Beer Bread

Beer Bread
When you live in South Africa or any braai loving country there is one thing that any braai needs. The beer bread.
It’s so easy, anyone can make it perfectly.
I love making bread at home. It smells great, taste fantastic, and how much better is freshly baked bread straight out of the oven with a thick smear of coconut butter melting into it?

This was also a far more common occurrence pre-baby. The problem I have with this is that I don’t particularly care for shop bought bread and as a chef I shouldn’t really have an excuse. I know the short cuts and the tricks to make something quickly and (mostly) painlessly. But somehow in-between teething and living like a single parent while S was in and out of the country all the time, it just didn’t happen.
I’m very happy to be rediscovering my cooking mojo.

On with it! Easy as 1,2,3 Beer Bread

You only need these three easy ingredients:

1kg self-raising flour
1 375ml bottle of beer
1 tsp salt

Place all of the ingredients in a bowl and mix until well combined.
Bread mix
Spoon into a prepared bread tin and bake at 200 C / 395 F for about 30 minutes and golden brown.

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